Monday, December 22, 2014

When will it cease?

The title to today's post must be intriguing. That's good, because it's supposed to be.
When will it cease refers to this blog. When will it cease? I have time, enthusiasm, and a love for blogging now, but how long will that last? Many Odyssey sites have come to a sudden halt. From what I can gather, there are 22 inactive AIO blogs, and 10 active. And seven of those ten aren't really active. Pretty sad? Well, the blog only exists as long as its owner has interest. I can't say I'm pleased with the lack of interest shown from the people who own those 29 inactive pages. (Confession: one of those 29 is the Barrett Jones Blog {which I own}).  Some of those sites never even had farewell articles. T.J. Landmark fumes. What a mistreatment of their readers. One things for sure, I'm going to do all I can to keep this blog from dying. If I no longer have time to write, I will pass this blog down to someone who does. Someone I trust, that is. Worst comes to worst, and I have to stop blogging, at least I will write a farewell article.


  1. I had no apprehension of such a substantial decline in AIO sites. This is deplorable, but some have closed due to malpractice or other incidents they could not have helped. Otherwise, it is despondent. I myself am attempting to sustain The AIO Alcove to the letter after reading this promise.


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